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#31 fingus Napisany 15 maja 2012 - 14:56


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Sejwy pod opieką Lakitu. :hihi:
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#32 Malutki Napisany 02 lipca 2012 - 21:28


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Mighty Switch Force HD coming to Wii U eShop, more Wii U/3DS projects in the works
Dodany obrazek

- aiming to be at launch
- sprites being redrawn
- game includes the 'bonus incident' DLC from eShop update
- may include new content as well
- new games separate from Mighty Switch Force HD in the planning phases for Wii U and 3DS
- GamePad screen displays the Hooligan Tracker
- play the game just on the Wii U GamePad, which will feature a shrunken-down Hooligan Tracker
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#33 BeSOS Napisany 02 lipca 2012 - 22:18



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#34 Schrodinger Napisany 03 lipca 2012 - 00:37


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NN wygląda jak PSN w fazie alfa
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#35 Tawotnica Napisany 06 lipca 2012 - 01:10


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A unified account system will be implemented later this year with the launch of the Wii U. Eventually this same account system will be made compatible with Nintendo 3DS systems. At this time we have no additional details to offer and nothing to indicate how or if this will work outside the United States and Canada. In the meantime, if the system has a problem, taking it to an Authorized Service Center will maintain the Nintendo eShop account. If the system is stolen, we can transfer the account to a new system once we are provided with a valid police report.

Of course, you asked this question because of the upcoming launch of New Super Mario Bros. 2 in retail and digital formats. What you need to know is that the digital format will only be available in the United States and Canada. We have nothing to announce regarding Latin American availability. NoC customer service member, David Marshall

Zła wiadomość - system kont użytkowych na Wii U pojawi się dopiero jakiś czas po launchu konsoli.
Dobra wiadomość - planowane jest udostępnienie tego samego systemu kont również na 3DSie.

Jak na mój gust to kupowanie Wii U na launch w takiej sytuacji się w ogóle nie opłaca. Niech doprowadzą OS do stanu używalności, obetną cenę i wydadzą parę dobrych gierek (ot, zupełnie jak na 3DSie), wtedy będzie można myśleć. To mi nasuwa na myśl pytanie czy i jak będzie działał 'system transfer' Wii -> Wii U, bo DSi -> 3DS było rozwiązane ciulowo z tym kasowaniem savów, przymusowym łączeniem się z netem itd.
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#36 torq314 Napisany 06 lipca 2012 - 06:59



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z pierwszego zdania wcale nie wynika, że to będzie JAKIŚ CZAS po. ja bym to zrozumiał tak, że pod koniec roku, wraz z premierą WiiU, zostanie zaimplementowany system kont.

chyba że jest jeszcze jakieś inne ujęcie tego, bardziej klarowne.
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#37 Tawotnica Napisany 06 lipca 2012 - 08:24


    Samus Aran

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racja, my bad. Nie doczytałem, było późno. ;p
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#38 torq314 Napisany 06 lipca 2012 - 08:34



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gdyby rzeczywiście nie było na launch to byłaby epicka porażka jakiej jeszcze chyba nie widziano.
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#39 lukaszSA Napisany 06 lipca 2012 - 09:38


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Nono. Jedno konto na wielu konsolach? Najwyższy czas. Tylko pytanie brzmi, czy naszego epenisa będzie można pokazywać w internecie, czy tylko kolegom na konsoli :hmmm:
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#40 Tawotnica Napisany 06 lipca 2012 - 10:01


    Samus Aran

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gdyby rzeczywiście nie było na launch to byłaby epicka porażka jakiej jeszcze chyba nie widziano.

i tak w jakimś stopniu OS będzie niepełny/wybrakowany. Na E3 zdaje się Reggie mówił, że Miiverse na przeglądarki, dostępny z PC/komórek/mikrofalówek etc. nie będzie gotowy na launch. Wsparcie dwówch GamePadów też będzie później.
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#41 Kaxi Napisany 06 lipca 2012 - 11:01


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Prawda co do wsparcia Miiverse na komórkach i 3DSie.

Co do dwoch padletów, to zrozumiałem, że po prostu na starcie nie będzie żadnych gier z takką funkcją.
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#42 Tawotnica Napisany 12 lipca 2012 - 23:15


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"However, there is no current announcement concerning a unified online "account system" between Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, which suggests payment implications that Nintendo is not ready to confirm at this time. We hope this clarifies any misunderstanding."

duh... czyli znowu wiemy tyle co nic
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#43 Malutki Napisany 10 sierpnia 2012 - 09:46


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Toki Tori 2 - Wii U trailer, details on the 'Tokidex' Wii U-specific feature

The Tokidex feature allows you to scan the area around Toki Tori for creatures and objects by using the Wii U Gamepad as a virtual camera with a viewfinder. Any creatures photographed will be added to the Tokidex. It’s quite fun to do, especially with creatures that move quite a bit!

Two Tribes talks Toki Tori 2 launch, pricing

A portion of a 4CR interview with Two Tribes' Colin Van Ginkel...

4CR: There is no talk of a release date but, is it safe to say that Toki Tori 2 will be available on the Wii U eshop on the first day the service goes live? Are you ready to hint at a price range as well?

CVG: We are definitely shooting for a launch release, but since we’re not done yet we cannot promise anything. The price will probably be around the same price the original Toki Tori launched for on WiiWare.

Toki Tori 2 fully supports Off-TV play, runs in 1080p

Toki Tori 2 had a great announcement trailer this morning, but there were still some questions you guys had that you wanted answered. Two Tribes took to the comments section of their own blog post to answer a few of those questions. Confirmed by the dev, we know that Toki Tori 2 will support Off-TV play for those that want to play just on the GamePad. We also know the game will run in 1080p when on your TV. Thanks to Kevin for the heads up!
Two Tribes Twitter Q&A live right now

Two Tribes is doing a Q&A on Twitter right you guys! You can hit up Twitter and ask them questions at this account. I'll be adding to this post throughout the day with info on Toki Tori 2's Wii U version.

- final game size will be somewhere in the 300mb range
- Wii U can do '1080p without breaking a sweat'
- Wii U version might have some form of achievements
- devs say working on Wii U is, 'Much easier than Wii. Lots of options!'
- devs also said they found it easier than expected to work on Wii U
- they were attracted to the Wii U by the Nintendo audience
- no decision yet made for Miiverse interactivity
- Wii U has camera controls for Tokidex
- As far as the name goes, 'Just "Toki Tori 2" is most likely'
- May feature secret levels with a graphical style close to the GBC game
- game will 'hopefully' be ready for Wii U launch
- no plans for a 3DS version yet
- no unlockable characters
- finding all the in-game collectibles will get you 'something cool'
- reconfirmed as download title for Wii U
- considering leaderboards
- some levels are designed for vertical play, but all are 2D
- team's favorite new mechanic is 'Whistle & Stomp mechanic definitely. Simpler yet deeper!'
- no online multiplayer
- when asked if Nintendo is making things easier for indie devs on the Wii U, Two Tribes said, "We're happy with how things are going!"
- When asked if the Wii U GamePad's touch screen will be used for gameplay, Two Tribes said, "Possibly, but not as main control method."
- no DLC planned
- dev team has been working with Wii U for 'a few months'
- decision to bring the game to Wii U was made because of 'Nintendo fans, better shop experience and new controller!'
- no plans to support Wiimote, Wii U Pro Controller
- on difficulty when compared to the first game: More people should be able to complete it. Hard puzzles optional.
- devs were inspired by 'Nature! How everything works together!'
- roughly 30% of the game's puzzles are hard ones
- would like to do more titles on Wii U
- On 60 FPS: I would be very disappointed if it wasn't, but no guarantee until it's done.
- 'time will tell' as far as fixes/updates/patches go
- only uses one analog stick
- most likely won't include the original Toki Tori with the sequel's release
- might have other Wii U-exclusive features
- probably won't have 5.1 surround sound
- no slowdown when playing on just GamePad
- don't count on shared save stages between Wii U and Steam versions
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#44 ACZ Napisany 10 sierpnia 2012 - 17:17


    Samiec Alfa

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kilka miesiecy temu przeszedlem jedynke na ps3. widze, ze dwojka wiele graficznie sie nie zmienila. jedynka to sredniak. przede wszystkim zwalony poziom trudnosci w kolejnych levelach, ktore wykonuje sie metodą prob i bledow, ba, ja tak od polowy gry gralem z odpalonym jutubem i pewnie ponad 90% graczy rowniez tak robilo. jeszcze jest jedna sprawa utrudniajaca gre w wiekszych poziomach - slaby przeglad pola gry. moze w dwojce to poprawią.
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#45 Malutki Napisany 24 września 2012 - 08:19


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Nano Assault Neo będzie dostępne w dniu premiery nowego sprzętu.

Wygląda dosyć ciekawie .
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#46 ACZ Napisany 24 września 2012 - 15:17


    Samiec Alfa

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wstepnie masakrator. przypomina stardusta, wiec lipy nie moze byc. must have.

Ten post był edytowany przez ACZ dnia: 24 września 2012 - 15:17

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#47 ogqozo Napisany 25 września 2012 - 19:40



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Ten developer robi tego typu gierki już od wielu lat. Jest z Niemiec, ale o dziwo wersja tej gry na DS-a nie wyszła chyba w Europie. Opinie dobre...

Ciekaw jestem, co z Treasure. Żyją, działają? Sin&Punishment wyszło już trzy lata temu i od tego czasu cisza.

Ten post był edytowany przez ogqozo dnia: 25 września 2012 - 19:41

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#48 Tawotnica Napisany 25 września 2012 - 21:15


    Samus Aran

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Ten developer robi tego typu gierki już od wielu lat. Jest z Niemiec, ale o dziwo wersja tej gry na DS-a nie wyszła chyba w Europie. Opinie dobre...

z tego co pamiętam, to rozszerzona wersja Nano Assault na 3DS'a ma trafić na eShop a Neo to zupełnie nowa odsłona.
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#49 ACZ Napisany 25 września 2012 - 21:42


    Samiec Alfa

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Ten developer robi tego typu gierki już od wielu lat. Jest z Niemiec, ale o dziwo wersja tej gry na DS-a nie wyszła chyba w Europie. Opinie dobre...

fakt, to typy od Nanostraya.
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#50 Malutki Napisany 06 października 2012 - 09:34


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Developerzy indie chwalą usługę sieciową w WiiU .
Pwnee Studios working hard to get Cloudberry Kingdom out at Wii U launch, applaud Nintendo's indie focus

“We’re jamming on the throttle, trying to get Cloudberry ready for Wii U on day one of launch. That may slip by a week or two if we run out of caffeine. But I promise that we’re all hands on deck trying to hit that target.” - Pwnee Studios, cofounder TJ Lutz

Once again, Lutz heaped some more praise on Nintendo for their treatment of indie devs on Wii U.

“We’re still blown away that we’re launching on WiiU. Just having meetings with Nintendo is like being in a bizarro world, let alone launching on their next-gen system. [It's] just craziness, really. We’re stoked about the opportunity. I’m impressed to see how much energy and focus Nintendo is putting toward independent titles. We’ll see how that focus plays out over the coming months and years. Ultimately, though, a lot of the success of the Wii U as a platform for independent studios is going to depend on the community’s response to this first batch of titles.”

Tomorrow Corp reveals Little Inferno details, may feature multiplayer, offers praise for Wii U indie focus

“We currently plan to release Little Inferno on the Wii U, PC, Mac, and Linux platforms and are shooting to release the PC and Wii U versions on the day the Wii U launches — so Nov. 18 or so.

Little Inferno is set in a place where it’s been snowing for as long as anyone can remember and it’s getting colder. (The new toy on every kid’s wishlist this year is the Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace. Children can buy toys and other products from a catalog 'items such as robots, tiny galaxies, batteries, or squealing bugs', toss them in the hearth, and then play with them as they burn up) Everything reacts differently. Sometimes [it's] adorable, surprising, or explosive. As objects burn, they pop out coins — and other things — that you can use to buy more objects and catalogs. But that can’t last forever! I think the previous description is a fairly accurate summary, but it’s also kind of like saying ‘a city is a bunch of bricks stacked into buildings.’ Half the fun of Little Inferno is discovering exactly what’s going on.” - Kyle Gabler

Gabler is hoping that the team can manage to get multiplayer into the final title.

“We’re hoping we can also sneak in multiplayer, so the whole family can sit around and poke and prod their glowing high- definition fire together — using a combination of Wiimotes and GamePad — but that may have to come in an update. We’ll see.”

Finally, Gabler discusses his happiness of being on the Wii U and how Nintendo is handling indie devs.

“And now, getting to be a launch title on a new Nintendo console feels dazzling and surreal, like finding a secret warp zone and eating all the mushrooms. I think the Wii U launch lineup surprised everyone with the strong presence of indie games.

Nintendo has been a fan of indie games for a long time, in a way that’s probably a good illustration of how companies are made of real living, breathing humans. Dan Adelman, the fellow who heads up the downloadable services [at Nintendo], is a big supporter of indie games and genuinely seeks to help out indie developers. He made sure we didn’t implode back when we were clueless kids trying to get World of Goo on WiiWare a billion years ago and is likely responsible for the large indie presence we’re seeing in the upcoming Wii U launch games so far.”

Indie devs praise Wii U eShop, offer up suggestions, tease games, reveal revenue cut info and more

- 3DS revenue cut is the same as Apple's (iOS) AppStore
- Two Tribes says there isn't any real big difference between Wii U and Steam revenue cuts
- Developers using Unity engine for Wii U will need to use Unity 4
- Gunman Clive for 3DS eShop confirmed by the developer himself
- Two Tribes picked Wii U for Toki Tori 2 release because it’s easy to release on
- Two Tribes believes Nintendo has listened to WiiWare criticisms
- Martin Hollis says Wii and Wii U are very well designed for developers
- Hollis says the GamePad's unique features are enticing to indie devs
- Hollis finds Nintendo very easy to work with
- Gunman Clive dev Bertil Horberg has had a smooth experience with Nintendo
- Horberg hasn't had much trouble bringing the game from iOS to 3DS eShop
- Nintendo has final say about the price
- North of Earth says the Wii U would be a perfect platform for Omegalodon, so long as there's more quality control than there was on WiiWare
- Infinite State Games will undoubtedly make the move to the Unity platform, and even more so if and when it supports the Wii U.
- Infinite States Games would like to see Nintendo’s digital distribution focus on quality-based visability metric instead of quantity
- Xander Davis is happily surprised that Nintendo made this kind of deal with Unity
- Astrogun is now much more compelled to seriously consider bringing their Unity-driven titles to the Wii U.
- AckkStudios is happy and optimistic about the Unity support
- AckkStudious would love to be on the Wii U eShop or the 3Ds eShop
- Developer of Stardew Valley would love to get Stardew Valley on the Wii U.
- Infinite States says "’Extreme Golf’, but even more so ‘Frutorious’ and ‘Shepherd: Mars needs sheep’, could all make the transition very easily to Nintendo’s systems. ...We would love to bring these games to a Nintendo device and having played with the TV-out feature, realize that these games all work well on the small screen as well as a large one!”
- Astrogun may hit Wii U eventually
- Pwnee Studios says process to update a patch is closer to Steam than other consoles
- indie devs offer advice to Nintendo for bettering the eShop

Brian Allanson, AckkStudios
“Make a Representative more readily available to discuss the prospect of our games on your consoles. There are plenty of talented developers who would love to make games for Nintendo platforms, but it’s still very tricky to even get in contact with Nintendo to try and make it happen.”

- AckkStudios wants to see ”Two Brothers” on the Wii U or 3D

Alex Allen, North of Earth
“Make publishing to consoles more streamlined. Aside from Nintendo’s notorious content restrictions, the sheer expense has been a concern. All modern consoles require development hardware that costs thousands and is very difficult to use without a dedicated engineer. I’m not familiar with the specifics of the eShop, but I hope it uses a market model where approval of a game lies with the customer, rather than with Nintendo. As we’ve seen from Steam’s Greenlight so far, the breakdown of genres desired by a community can differ greatly from what the platform offers – perhaps the result of distributors being unwilling to take risks. There really isn’t an indie-centric platform out there that resonates with console gamers the way Steam does with PC gamers. It’s a tremendous untapped market and perhaps Nintendo will be the first to strike oil.”

Xander Davis, Astrogun
“While the deal between Nintendo and Unity is absolutely fantastic, any advice for bringing indie developers would rest in the path to market on Nintendo consoles. All the red tape and additional expense of working with Nintendo (or Microsoft and Sony as well) still needs eliminated for Astrogun and other independent developers to more definitively target the Wii U. The Big Three all need to create a market path more on par with Apple to complete this picture. It’s a question over each of the Big Three’s commitment to this.”
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#51 Malutki Napisany 07 października 2012 - 09:06


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Tak prawdopodobnie może wyglądać menu w z pobranymi demkami w nowej konsoli N :

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#52 Malutki Napisany 09 października 2012 - 08:46


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Puddle officially confirmed for Wii U eShop

- Coming from Neko
- should be available at launch
- Full HD/60FPS
- can use motion controls for moving the puddle
- off-tv play confirme
- tips are displayed on the loading screen
- every level has been reworked from the previous release
- offers up a more even challenge when tackling the gold medal runs
- online leaderboards
- other control options are ZL-ZR Buttons, or the left stick
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#53 Kaxi Napisany 07 listopada 2012 - 15:30


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Jak działają konta w Miiverse, NN i w ogóle. Posty #1 i #16 (wygląda trochę jak fejs/twitter z tego opisu).
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#54 BeSOS Napisany 07 listopada 2012 - 19:00



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Pytanie czy bedzie dzialal myk z PS3 z odpalaniem sciagnietych gier na roznych konsolach :cf:
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#55 lukaszSA Napisany 07 listopada 2012 - 19:12


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Pytanie czy bedzie dzialal myk z PS3 z odpalaniem sciagnietych gier na roznych konsolach :cf:

Oby :cf:

"Kto się składa na Wind Wakeraz VC?"
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#56 Kaxi Napisany 07 listopada 2012 - 19:54


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"Our plan is to replace Friend Codes with a much more user-friendly Account ID system which employs user-created account names." - Nintendo rep

Jak sugerował Direct...
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#57 mic Napisany 08 listopada 2012 - 12:40


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Jeśli chodzi o to ile zajmują "duże" gry w wersji eShop to coś zaczyna wypływać:

NSMBU: More than 2GB of free space required.
Nintendo Land: More than 3.2GB of free space required

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#58 Kaxi Napisany 08 listopada 2012 - 13:27


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Aż szkoda tych 25 gigowych płyt :P
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#59 Kurzy Napisany 08 listopada 2012 - 13:54



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A będzie można dokupywać pamięć czy to 32gb jest wewnętrzne i nic więcej?
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#60 Kaxi Napisany 08 listopada 2012 - 14:01


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możesz wsadzić kartę sd(hc) albo podpiąć dowolny dysk zewnętrzny pod usb.
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